We all know of the women's rights movement, but what about the men’s rights movement. I for one used didn’t think highly of it. I used to label the movement in the same category as the gay movement and then if i had a misogynistic thought, i would just think about it the way alot of men do and just say "fuck a bitch" but the men’s rights movement does play a role in speaking against some injustices in today's world, for example:
As i have said before, marriage has long been regarded by many as the most important step in relationships. The definition of marriage has been hijacked from a simply forming of a kinship to the highly religious,ecclesiastical injunction, and/or the legal and financial clusterfuck of an entrapment web that has become common-place these days and is alot of the times detrimental to the intimate relationships in question.Even in precolonial time, arranged marriages and concepts like bride price or dowry were common and they had alot of contention involved. However there are a great number of alternatives ranging from simple cohabitation to the infamous ‘friends with benefits” relationships that exist and offer the same things that marriage does without the legal, social and financial implications that marriage does. There are also options like secular legal unions that avoid religious entrapments of church marriage.
Marriage strike is the name given to the phenomenon of males refusing to marry for fear of unfair legislations and financial ramifications of divorce for the male. Men's rights writer matthew weeks has described divorces as 'slavery for men'.the rutgers report — though based on a small sample — found ten prevalent reasons for declining preference for marriage among males. The first three are that they can get sex without marriage; they can enjoy a pseudo-wife through cohabitation; and they want to avoid divorce and its financial risks.
Due to archaic definitions of gender roles, we find a great need for the men’s right movement. The fathers’ rights movement is a very good example of this. In divorces or cases of unwed fathers, we find unjustifiable inequality in legal cases about child custody or child support. In a huge chunk of these cases shared parenting, child support or even best interest for the children is not considered adequately instead the legal prescient is defaultly assumed to be in favor of the females. There are also the cases of parental fraud where the mother of a given child lies about the father for financial reasons. In many jurisdictions around the world, DNA testing is not considered by courts or is unavailable. In many other legal situation, there is quite an unfair pressure against the fathers in the situation.
There are many other causes in employment, education, conscription, social norms e.t.c. That present unfair circumstances for men but a lot of people don’t get to hear about it. This is partially due to an effect called the lace curtain in the media, where people, the media consciously choose to ignore men issues, some theorize that it is due to an evolutionary trait that humanizes women more than men, or maybe it is because feminist firms hold enough lobbying power to redirect attention away from issues they don’t like, maybe it is because people paying attention to this are somehow viewed as gay, but the lace curtain is real since there apparently exists a force that seems to cause media to ignore issues concerning men’s rights.
I mean for example; If you take a look at the picture above, It does look gay as fuck! but the market for lawyers like Mr Sam. is actually on the rise to the ever increasing legal injustice against men 1 2 3. and sadly you will never get to hear about it since there is no appetite for cases in this circle, at least in the media.
In brief, men’s lives count only to the degree they are heroes who perform for us or save us, or villains who disturb our peace. Women’s lives count more for their own sake…a woman’s pain is every talk show.
We so rarely inquire of a man’s grief, we forget it exists. When princess di had her affair, we asked her about her isolation, her depression, her husband’s aloofness; but when prince charles had an affair, we accused him of infidelity.... As a result, billions of women worldwide identified with princess di. Few men had any male fears with which to identify.Hearing women’s internal stories – without hearing men’s – made the world seem unfair to women. Ironically, because we didn’t know men’s stories were being left out, the more we heard from women the more we thought we’d been neglecting women. Soon it became politically incorrect to interrupt her flow. So women’s stories became women’s studies, not to be interrupted by men’s studies.
Graduates of women’s studies courses soon controlled gender related decisions in almost all large bureaucracies. When an issue about sexual harassment or date rape came up on a college campus, the feminists flooded the committees concerning these decisions, created the agenda, and decided who would be hired as consultants and speakers.
The problem? women with backgrounds in women’s studies were not only uneducated about men, but often saw men as the problem and women as the solution. They had demonized men. If someone spoke up against them, they weren’t just outnumbered, they were labeled sexist. And what we will see in this chapter is how that labeling led to the end of careers in the ‘80s and ‘90s as quickly as being labeled communist ended careers in the 1950s.
The power of feminists to allow only a feminist perspective to be aired (in every field that dealt with gender issues) came to be labeled the "lace curtain."
How do you know if you’re part of the lace curtain? if you feel more comfortable telling a man-bashing joke than a joke bashing all women. How do you know if you’re in an organization that’s part of the lace curtain? when you tell a man-bashing joke and everyone laughs, then tell a woman-bashing joke and no one laughs.... In some organizations, the censorship starts sooner... We don’t even think of telling the woman-bashing joke!
The lace curtain is less a "woman thing" than a feminist thing. But feminism has made women-as-victim so credible we would sooner think of saving whales than saving males. In this respect, almost all of us contribute to the lace curtain.
But all this is irrelevant to me, whether these sentiments are real or made up, whether these injustices are on the rise or they are decreasing, whether the men's right movement can help or hurt the world does not concern me. The main philosophy i follow is “fuck a bitch”. I generally avoid thinking, feeling, empathizing or concerning myself with anything to do with feminism and such. But you know me, i am slightly misogynist and i might be considered abit sexist so my opinion is not that credible.
What do you guys think? What value does the men's rights hold to you?
MenWeb - Men's Issues: The Lace Curtain
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