Saturday, February 24, 2018

To stir up Hope

I'm obsessed with the activisim that you do beacuse to me it seems inefectual. What is the best thing that you hope to accomplish as an activist individual? I would say not much

You can say that you will soon have the power to vote, but as an individual what good does that vote do? In Kenya they will take your vote ,throw it in the trash and write in who they want, True fact.

You could say that you will influence someone else to make a difference but again, what will changing one person's mind on one given issue accomplish? Hell even if you convert them like how the religious do their conversions and have them believing all that you believe in, is that the best that can be done? Using Logan Paul's phrasing; if your goal was to dent the universe, is that the biggest dent you could have made? Seems kinda small to me 🤔

And the other thing that worries me with the activisim that you are a part of is all the baggage that comes with it. Being influenced by these groups that you have come to identify with means being influenced by the positives and the negatives that they preach. We all involve ourselves with at least one useless endeavor but it would be bad if we were swept up by group identity to dedicate our hearts to something that will never give any payback.I have this horrible nightmare of you marching for a whole night cause some random white person said nigga or something and your activisim group decided to march for that. Similarly, I really do see you in the near future taking part in a riot organized by BLM when they finally hear Trump say nigga or something. In scenarios like these, your efforts are effectively inefectual.

These are some of the bad things that are associated with group think, there are good ones for sure but looking at some of the movements I see you aligning with, those are not many.

I think of myself as a human, able to identify with any problem and as a critical thinker looking for solution to those problems and prioritizing on the immedieate problems and those that I have a feasible and direct solution for. I don't see my role in this world as a rabble-rouser whose role is to raise alarm for said issues. I don't like to view problems with filters based on ethnicity, feelings, history, injustices e.t.c. I identify each problem in society, community or the world irregardless of it's misliers as what it is,a problem. I don't like to dig up meaning(conspiracy, bias, bad intent) where there is not. This is a critical thinker and it seems to run antithetical to the mindset involved with the group think in activism.

I take pride when I see people solve the worlds problems with that mindset. When I think of us (you and me), I think of people like Linus Tovards(founder of Linux). When he lacked an OS he could work on-he didn't join the thousands begging or demanding Microsoft, he built his own OS.  To quote him, talk is cheap, show me the code. It might be a better use of your smart ass to try and solve the worlds problems as a critical thinker rather than an activist.

Just saying.